
Notes: Abdominal training should be integrated twice a week whenever your schedule permits. This may include regular training days as well as non-training days.

Hanging Leg Raises Method:

This exercise is done by hanging from a pull up bar or similar apparatus, but be sure that the bar is high enough so that your body can gang down fully extended. Then, with legs straight at the bottom and feet together, raise the knees, bending them as you go, until they are as close to touching your chest as they can be. This exercise is more effective with a spotter behind you and supporting you at the lower back but one is not necessary. This is one of the few exercises to effectively isolate the lower abdominal.

Sets: 4
Reps: Failure
Rest: 0.5-1 min

Cable Crunches Method:

This exercise will effectively build and strengthen the muscles in and around the entire abdominal region. For the best results, position your knees, far enough away from the overhanging pulley so that you experience full extension along with full expansion and stretch of the abdominal region. Then, lean back and curl your body forward into a tuck position almost touching your nose to the floor. A good practice is to fully inhale at the top, then half exhale and flex hard on the way down. Start with a lighter set of 30 reps then go right to 3 sets of most weight your do without pulling your knees off the ground, or go even heavier with a spot from the ankles.

Sets: 4
Reps: 15-30
Rest: 0.5-1 min

Weighted Decline Sit-up Method:

Because of the dense nature of abdominal muscle tissue, your abs need a thorough and frequent beating to grow properly. Heavy weight with high repetition will build mass, depth, and shape to the stomach; not to mention that you will need a set of strong abdominal to support new gains in mass and weight. This exercise should ultimately be done on a 30 to 45 degree decline bench while cradling 25 or 45 lb. Plate to your chest. If this seems heavy to you, don't worry, abdominal respond quickly to increases in weight - so start lighter if you must. When performing this exercise, remember to concentrate and use the strength of your abs and not your thighs to complete the movement.

Sets: 4
Reps: 30-50
Rest: 2-3 min

Weight Training                                 35
1) Main 1
2) Introduction 2
3) Novice 5
4) Intermediate 8
5) Exercise Description 12
6) Motivation and Conclusion 39